Galerie Uhn
Claudia Grom
Protect me, 2015, video
Rucksack, 2015, , Installation, Nylon, iPad, Schuhe Goretex, 170x100x30 cm
PROTECT ME II, 2019, Polyactid (PLA), 38x27x46 cm
born near Munich, lives and works as an artist and designer in Bad Kissingen, Frankfurt/Main and on the road. Her career began in the international hotel industry, followed by design studies at the KISD Köln International Design School in Cologne, the so called "Kölner Modell". As managing partner, she took over the family business in the hotel and healthcare sector in 1993 following a stroke of fate. It was only in the last 10 years that she made art and design her professional focus again while studying at Merja Herzog-Hellstén's sculpture class at Städel evening school in Frankfurt. Her works are based on considerations of sustainability, resource conservation and product avoidance. They are strongly conceptually oriented and focus on our world marked by extensive transformation processes. As a mixed media artist she works with installations, environments, sculptures, land art, paintings, videos, photography and text.
Selected Exhibitions
Handle with Care, CKCK Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Galerie Uhn, Königstein
Compositions, Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Wandelhalle Bad Kissingen anlässlich des | on occasion of the Kissinger Sommers, (abgesagt)
Studiolo, KunstRaum Riedberg, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, in Planung
Other People Have a Nationality, Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, FaB17 Fringe Arts Bath Festival, United Kingdom
In The Face of Everything | Jetzt erst recht, CKCK Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Stadtgalerie im Badehaus Bad Soden
Everything is Fine with Betsy | Alles gut mit Betsy, CKCK Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, grassgrün*, Frankfurt/Main
the artist is not present | Die Künstlerin ist nicht anwesend, CKCK Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Galerie Uhn, Königstein
to be continued | Fortsetzung folgt, Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, grassgrün*, Frankfurt/Main
Kulturwald - Akzente und Markierungen, LAND ART, Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Freie Kunstakademie Frankfurt e.V. OPEN STUDIOS, Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Abendschule der Städel Schule Frankfurt
NETZ EUROPA, Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Landesgalerie im O.Ö. Landesmuseum Francisco Carolinum und in den Austria Tabakwerken, Linz
„Kölner Modell“, Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Köln
Personal Body Pack, Gruppenausstellung | group exhibition, Yellow Circle, Köln
Private collections in Germany, France, USA and Switzerland
Everything is Fine with Betsy, Kunstkatalog, Herausgeber: Kelly O‘Brien, Claudia Grom, Chris Kircher, Katja v. Ruville
NETZ EUROPA, Ausstellungskatalog, Herausgeber: Helmuth Gsöllpointner
Köln Informativ, Ambiente 1-2/94
Warum ist ein Radio kein Bügeleisen?, markt+wirtschaft, IHK Köln 11/93
Karton - ein Dialog, Verpackungs-Rundschau 11/1993
Ausstellung „Karton - Ein Dialog“, Die neuen Ansprüche, NV Neue Verpackung, 8/1993
Galerie Uhn, Hauptstraße 34, 61462 Königstein Ts.,, Tel: +49 (0)176 23570381